Why the medical profession should be adopting integrative oncology modalities now.
Conventional treatments are usually so debilitating to cancer patients that they drop chemotherapy and radiation in spite of what their doctors are telling them. Medical doctors are unfortunately trained in school
through our backwards medical system
to instill fear in patients so they do what they are told. And, if all doctors only know to prescribe surgery, chemo and radiation, it leaves the patient with no options.
Integrative oncology changes all this fear based medicine and turns the industry upside down. What is actually needed is a complete audit of the industry and changes need to be made. This more traditional approach
gives the patient more options and from the results, far healthier options.
It assists patients with a positive mental status to start because if you don’t believe you’re going to heal, you won’t and that has been shown. Studies have shown that a positive mental frame of mind helps patients
recover and heal much faster.
Integrative oncology can be described as two worlds coming together which is a very good thing. It takes the best of western medicine which is low dose chemotherapy that is targeted to only cancer cells and mixs it with eastern medicine such as metabolic therapies and botanical herbal remedies and together these provide very efficient and effective results for people with cancer of all types.
Patients who go with standard care deal with the physical and mental side effects of those harsh conventional treatments. Studies have shown patients are able to heal quicker and the long term results are just as good.
These integrative methods are useful not merely during treatment but also after when a patient may need psychological support after they return home.
Integrative oncology medicine isn’t just about the patient as it involves the entire family and no one is left unaffected. What we are seeing is not only are patients recovering and healing at a faster rate but their family members are as well.
These methodologies are transferring to the family members as they are invited to be part of the process and learn exactly what the patient is learning.
They’re going to provide them with the necessary education and counseling to take all of this learning back home with them and if they stay engaged with this new lifestyle and way of living, chances are the patient will not have to
worry about cancer coming back and the family members can steer clear of every being diagnosed.
Lymphatic massage therapy is just one of the many healing modalities presented on the menu of integrative oncology medicine. It is a gentle therapy that is more effective than a standard massage as it releases toxins from
a persons lymphatic system which comprises all of their lymph nodes.
Green juice feasting is another protocol that is very effective at resting the body’s organs and turning off the digestive system which allows a person to heal and recover while the immune system goes on the attack and rids the body
of cancer cells.
Acupuncture appears to be most useful in supporting cancer patients through increaed energy in their body with the opening up of pathways which allows the energy to flow to all organs.